World Conference on Oral Laser Application

Sponsored by Society for Oral Laser Application

Programme Content

World Congress on Oral Laser Applications from 21st to 23rd Sept 2012 at Hotel Hilton-New Delhi.


Micro Scientific Instruments

Dentsply India

Delhi Tourism



21st, 22nd, 23rd September 2012


Guidelines for Electronic Poster presentation for SOLA conference Ahmedabad

A poster is traditionally a static, visual medium (usually of the paper and board variety) that you use to communicate ideas
and messages. The difference between poster and oral presentations is that you should let your poster do most of the ‘talking’;
i.e. the material presented should convey the essence of your message.
SOLA presents you the opportunity to do it differently. All Posters will be made in powerpoint format and projected on an LCD Screen at the Congress Venue.
The date and time of presentation to the judge will be announced at the congress and participants will be required to ‘stand-
by-their-poster’ to answer questions and provide further details. The winner of the poster competition will be announced thereafter.
Posters should be made by participants in powerpoint slide format and sent to

Important Dates:

Last Date for Submission of Abstracts: (10th September 2012)
Announcement of selected participants: (17th September 2012)

Topics that can be covered for research or clinically – oriented Studies on Lasers:
Aesthetic Dentistry / Implants esthetics / Periodontics / Endodontics / Interdisciplinary Dentistry / Prosthodontics / Oral Surgery / Pedodontics / Oral medicine & Radiology .

Total Number of slides allowed – upto 6
(if extra slides are submitted the last ones will be deleted to meet the requirements)

Kindly use the template provided ONLY.

Font should be Arial of prescribed size(see below).

Picture resolution should be minimum 500 x 500 pixels / 300 dpi

Slide 1
•Title – Font Arial, Size 40
•Introduction – Font Arial, Size 28

Slide 2
•Aims & Objectives

Slide 3

Slide 4

Slide 5
• Results

Slide 6